Friday, March 8, 2013

[per-snik-i-tee] adj., picky, fussy, particular

Oh, hello there.  Welcome to Persnickety! So glad you stopped by.  For those of you who do not know me (and what a shame that may or may not be), my name is Ashleigh, and I am a fashion addict.  What you may also need to know about me is that I am also a cynic and a critic.  I can make a list for days of outfits or pieces that I find absolutely abhorrent, but I do not want to solely focus on that in my blog.  I want to perhaps focus on constructive criticism, but as an opinionated, outspoken Southern girl, you will definitely need to brace yourselves for some sass

My philosophy: without criticism there is no change, which means there is no improvement.  There is always a little room for improvement in life, especially when it comes to wardrobe selections.  As women, we come in all shapes and sizes, and we need to be a little more persnickety about what flatters our figures and makes us feel confident, beautiful, sexy, and unstoppable. I also am a firm believer in loving the skin you are in and that beauty comes in all shapes in sizes.  The most fashionable thing a woman can wear is confidence and a smile!

Here is what to expect from Persnickety:
-Fabulous fashion finds
-How to wear certain pieces 
-What not to wear
-How to dress for your shape
-WTF? (Fashion Fails)
-Spotlighting favorite designer collections
-Fashion forecasting
-Do vs. Don't
-Beauty finds, fails
-Everything in between! 
{I am also completely open for requests or advice}

I hope you enjoy! My goal is to post twice a week so check back soon for my first fashion post! 